More Quality-Time with your horse: Optimize timings in the stable
Most riders have less time for their favorite hobby than they would like. If you feel the same way, this article will give you some ideas and suggestions on how to optimize your time in the stable. After all, it's all about fully enjoying every second with your horse!
Quality equipment, more time.
Quality is an important factor when it comes to optimizing time. After all, how do we want to make the best use of time if the basic equipment in our daily stable routine robs us of more time than necessary?
Let's take a simple example: bandaging a horse costs time. This time is not lost, but used wisely. But what if you could reduce this time by using effective equipment? A bandage roller helps significantly to simplify the bandaging process: you simply save a lot of time when rolling up the bandages. This is certainly a pleasant everyday relief for you and your horse. But also a worn halter that hooks when opening and closing the buckles or a feed box whose lid cannot be closed with a flick of the wrist are time killers in the long run.
Accordingly, it can be said that high-quality, well-maintained equipment in the riding stable is the foundation for optimal use of time in the stable.
Well organized from start to finish and avoid stress
To make the trip to the riding stable as stress-free as possible, it is important to take a closer look at your own habits around the ride:
- Are the riding utensils at home ready to hand?
- At what time do you drive to the riding stable - rush hour or smooth traffic?
- What tasks do you have to accomplish at the stable?
Just by discussing these three areas, it quickly becomes clear where you can easily save a lot of time without changing your rhythm or habits from scratch. And if you leave your cell phone in the car or switch to airplane mode, you won't be distracted by calls or messages in the barn and can enjoy your horse time to the fullest.
Optimize processes: Create short distances
Of course, the paths in the stable are predetermined by the architecture. However, a little optimization can be made here and there, even if the feed room, tack room and horse stall are far apart - grandma's wisdom helps here: never walk empty-handed.
And if the localities in the stable can be changed, it is a good idea in the long run to have the feed room, tack room and horse stall as close together as possible. This will save you some steps, the time investment of which you can then in turn spend with your horse.
But not only the paths in the stable are crucial, but also your habits. In short: Are you well prepared? Because if everything is ready to hand, the "run" through the localities is quickly done. If, on the other hand, you have to spend a long time looking for a riding helmet, extra feed and gaiters, valuable time is lost. The more sorted and experienced you are on site, the more time you have for the beautiful moments.
Have recurring procedures in mind
Even if it sounds simple - you should have the most important recurring processes and appointments present and record them in writing. That way, you won't be surprised by the urgency of quickly organizing an appointment with the farrier, or find yourself standing in front of a freshly ridden horse thanks to riding participation. An overview of these small and large dates is practical and if necessary these tasks can be passed on: For example, who can take care of regular appointments, basic cleaning of equipment and similar tasks?
Three areas for more time with the horse
Basically, time management is about three areas: The physical area (stable), the mental area (concentration) and the organizational area (commitments). Once you have evaluated and optimized all three areas, you should be able to enjoy much more time for the beautiful moments with your horse.